Our commitment to Laser Safety
Laser safety is a serious matter that requires knowledge of relevant standards, products, and practical experience. At Narran Australia, we pride ourselves on providing the correct advice on laser safety standards, safety products, and training, combining this knowledge with practical experience.
Each Laser application has hazards and administrative controls are required. In addition, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Barriers are needed to ensure a safe working environment.
Narran Australia and our partners can assist with assessing situations and recommending correct safety products that are compliant with the relevant Australian and New Zealand standards.
All Narran Australia Laser machines include quality recommended safety goggles and Training for LSO and Operator Training.
Contact us with questions about Laser Safety Training or Safety Products suitable for your specific situation.
Introduction to Lasers
Narran Laser Australia have become the most dynamic company to supply industrial laser cleaning systems that are purpose-built for severe climates of the Australian Mining and Construction Industries. This industry requires demanding efficient laser cleaning and material removal applications.
Our chosen systems are currently and historically used by manufacturers worldwide in automotive, moulding, steel fabrication, electronics, building, and mining construction.
The Narran Laser brand of products is associated with worldwide licenses and patents for innovative and ‘unique to the industry’ laser products and technologies.
We continuously place our efforts into sourcing our specifications built to Australian strict quality standards with full manufacturing support from our exclusive European partner manufacturer, Narran Lasers for Cleaning.
We believe in providing the best safety, quality, performance, and price products to suit Australian and New Zealand, customers.
Quality: The manufacturing of every component and sub-assembly applied to our European only manufactured machines with a long-term serviceability guarantee of quality.
Safety with Performance: Each machine is equipped with our own Australian Standards Safety Compliant Package tailored to our devices. Our safety package encompasses qualified expert training, and quality PPE recommended accessories. This package ensures our Lasers are safe and produces a long-term lifespan with high depreciation values compared with other systems.
Our machines will perform safely with consistent quality for long periods of operation. Built tough for Australia
The main Australian and New Zealand laser safety standards are listed below. In general Australia and New Zealand adopt international laser safety standards. There is often a delay between when the international standards released and the official adoption of those standards in Australia and New Zealand. However, using the latest international standards would be considered best practice in the industry.
On the 12th of November 2014, Standards Australia published AS/NZS IEC 60825.1:2014 which is an equivalent standard to IEC 60825-1 Ed. 3.0 that was released in May 2014.
Main Standards
Standard | Title | Published date | Equivalent document | |
AS/NZS IEC 60825.1:2014 | Safety of laser products – Equipment classification and requirements | 12/11/2014 | IEC 60825-1 Ed3.0 | |
AS/NZS IEC 60825.14:2011 | Safety of laser products – A user’s guide | 5/12/2011 | IEC/TR 60825-14 Ed1.0 | |
AS/NZS 1337.4:2011 | Eye and face protection – Filters and eye protectors against laser radiation (laser eye-protectors) | 11/11/2011 | EN 207:2009 | |
AS1319-1994 | Guidelines by Standards Australia for safety signage used in the occupational environments | |||
AS/NZS IEC 60825.4:2016 | Safety of laser products – Laser guards | 12/09/2016 | IEC 60825-4 Ed. 2.2 | |
– | – | – | – |
Laser Safety Products
Main Standards
Standard | Title | Published date | Equivalent document | NOTES |
![]() | Safety of laser products – Equipment classification and requirements | 12/11/2014 | IEC 60825-1 Ed3.0 | |
AS/NZS IEC 60825.14:2011 | Safety of laser products – A user’s guide | 5/12/2011 | IEC/TR 60825-14 Ed1.0 | |
AS/NZS 1337.4:2011 | Eye and face protection – Filters and eye protectors against laser radiation (laser eye-protectors) | 11/11/2011 | EN 207:2009 | |
AS/NZS 1337.5:2011 | Eye and face protection – Eye protectors for adjustment work on lasers and laser systems (laser adjustment eye-protectors) | 11/11/2011 | EN 208:2009 | |
AS/NZS IEC 60825.4:2016 | Safety of laser products – Laser guards | 12/09/2016 | IEC 60825-4 Ed. 2.2 | |
Laser Safety Eyewear PPE
Safety — Comfort — Compliant
Narran Australia supplies filtered laser safety eyewear for our specific Laser machine wavelengths and are hard coated with Australian specifications manufacturer guaranteed.
Filters and eye protectors against laser radiation
(laser eye-protectors: AS/NZS 1337.4:2011
The PPE is from absorptive dyes moulded into the eyewear and the laser safety ratings of eyewear provided by Narran Australia are compliant with the Australian and New Zealand standards.
Using advanced interferential filters technique means that besides the blocked wavelength/s nearly all the light passes the filter without attenuation resulting in high visible light transmission (VLT) specifications which aid in better visibility on the workpiece on-site or in the workshop.
Laser Safety Portable Barriers
Safety — Quality — Compliance
When you need maximum flexibility for enclosing a laser work area or need a temporary Class 1 laser safe work zone, choose portable laser barriers. Portable barriers are a great alternative to laser curtain systems.
The Australian standard relating to laser guards is AS/NZS 2211.4:2002 which is an identical copy to IEC 60825.4:1997.
Laser Safety Industries safety portable barriers and curtains are compliant with all major safety standards relating to laser safety barriers;
- EN 60825.4
- EN 12254:2010
- ANSI Z136
- And is certified to NFPA 701:2010 (standard methods of fire tests for flame propagation of textiles and films)
Laser Safety Curtains
Safe — Dependable — Quality — Compliant
We offer laser curtains in Flex-Guard™ and Ever-Guard® materials for floor-, wall- or ceiling mounting. Our laser curtains are fully-customisable with options for entryways, interlocks, valences, floor-drag and safety signage. Our custom curtain design will meet your complex configuration and mounting requirements.
The Australian standard relating to laser guards is AS/NZS 2211.4:2002 which is an identical copy to IEC 60825.4:1997.
Narran supplied laser safety curtains are compliant with all major safety standards relating to laser safety curtains;
- EN 60825.4
- EN 12254:2010
- ANSI Z136
- And Flex-Guard® is certified to NFPA 701:2010 (standard methods of fire tests for flame propagation of textiles and films)
– Laser Radiation
– Laser Beam Warning
Laser Safety Window Blocks
Safe — Dependable — Quality — Compliant
Narran Australia also provides laser safe window blocks for virtually every shape and size window. The window blocks can be easily attached using several different mounting options. Window blocks provide a simple and effective method of blocking a window and is a very popular option for smaller windows where a window shade would look out of place or would be hard to mount.
The Australian standard relating to laser guards is AS/NZS 2211.4:2002 which is an identical copy to IEC 60825.4:1997.
Narran Laser Australia’s laser safety window blocks are compliant with all major safety standards relating to laser safety blinds/blocks;
- EN 60825.4
- EN 12254:2010
- ANSI Z136
- And is certified to NFPA 701:2010 (standard methods of fire tests for flame propagation of textiles and films)